Keynote Presentations

Perfect for annual meetings, sales kick offs, and any company event. Unlike most corporate keynotes, Strategic Flow Keynote is an intimate learning experience. Drop the typical corporate jargon and meaningless slogans, and pick up a truly inspiring presentation. Attendees leave not only feeling motivated, but with new tools to take them closer to operational excellence. Currently we offer two keynote options:

The Wisdom of the Ordinary

After losing his career to a medical diagnosis, Joe “Cowboy” Wallace embarked on a mission to find his purpose in life. He travelled to over 30 countries and sought out and spoke to everyday/ordinary people from diverse cultures and ways of life, pulling from each conversation some life changing pearls of wisdom. His experiences and interactions brought about profound revelations on how to find success, happiness, and purpose. Now he is determined to share the wisdom of the ordinary with you and your team. Attendees of this presentation will leave motivated, inspired, and with a new set of tools and principles that will lead them to more success and satisfaction in their work.

Building Strategic Flow

There is a common complaint among business leaders today. So many of us are struggling with the challenges of getting the best performance out of our employees, now more than ever before. Some say it is a lack of motivation in the younger generations, others say it’s a cultural shift in our society, others still will blame a breakdown in resiliency. Each of these opinions has some truth to it, but they also have something else in common: they are outside of your control. What is in your control, is your style and caliber of leadership. We get frustrated when our employees fail to adjust or adapt, but too often we are stubborn in our ways of thinking. In this presentation, Joe “Cowboy” Wallace will share with you the tactics and techniques used by special operations teams, undercover assets, and high level investigators that allow them to get results no matter the set of circumstances outside of their control. With harrowing and at times humorous anecdotes, attendees will see how specific communication techniques based in decades of studies can get leaders their desired results, regardless of the circumstances. These secret techniques will not only help business leaders achieve a higher level of efficiency and performance on their teams, but it will empower your employees to grow and achieve more in each of their lives. Attendees will enter this presentation as managers and supervisors, but they will leave as LEADERS.

Training Workshops

See the Strategic Flow process in action! Our highly interactive workshops will demonstrate how the concepts of Strategic Flow make project planning, team management, and business planning streamlined towards an elite level of performance. The energizing and interactive seminars will have your teams walking away not only with new tools to improve performance, but also a renewed esprit de’ corps! Revitalize a team stuck in a rut, or set the tone for a new team going forward; either way these programs are proven to increase efficiency, performance, and team work all in the pursuit of your business goals.

Operational Excellence Planning Workshop

When developing the Strategic Flow methodology, Joe “Cowboy” Wallace first asked himself what made the teams he had been a part of ELITE? He had a realization: the skills, tactics, and techniques used by elite military units, and world renowned first responder teams could be applied to business. In fact, many of the most successful corporate executives were already applying those concepts, even if they didn’t realize it. Combat missions in austere environments, hostage rescue missions, undercover infiltrations, and large scale operations in foreign countries all had one thing in common: the process used to plan and execute. If this process works for the most elite teams, in the most dangerous situations, they can surely work in business. After consulting with Fortune 500 executives, Cowboy adapted this elite operational planning system to the world of business. In this workshop attendees will have to work together as a team to complete a seemingly impossible task. Through the struggle they will learn the value of communication, accountability, and organization. They will be handed a blue print for success, and will be motivated to implement it after seeing just how effective it is. This seminar is for owners, supervisors, and their team members alike because the true strength behind the elite planning methodology is in the transformative impact has on each individual, top to bottom.

Manager to Leader Workshop

Leadership is the foundation of any successful endeavor. Businesses today are facing an array of challenges: economic changes, cultural shifts, burnout, and the ever moving target of regulatory restrictions. If one wants to learn how to not only survive but THRIVE in this chaos, they need look no further than the leaders who have thrived in the most dangerous